
This is the page where you can look up the meaning of the less common Hebrew (or Yiddish) words or phrases or expressions that you come across in the Sheets.

They are generally listed here in alphabetical order of the transliterated Hebrew (or Yiddish)  that is, "Bris Milah" will come before "Luchos".


ALIYAH - Being called up to the Sefer Torah*; going to live in Eretz Yisroel*
ALEF BEIS - Alphabet
ACHASHVEROSH - Persian tyrant who ruled over the then whole known world and who was compliant in the plot of his Chief Minister, Hommon*, to destroy the entire Jewish People.  The plan was thwarted by HaShem's intervention and the efforts of Queen Ester*.  These events are told in the Book of Ester* which is read on Purim*, the festival which marks the anniversary of our miraculous deliverance from this catastrophe.
AGGADDATOH - The deeper insights of the Talmud*, focusing  not so much on the halachic (legal) rulings but more on the ethical and emotional, thoughtful teachings which all combine into the Torah world-view and the genuine Jewish value-system
AHARON - Brother of Moshe* our Teacher.   Ordained by HaShem* to be the first ever High Priest of the Jewish People, to represent them before G-d in the Divine Service in the Mishkan*.
Amidah - The "Standing Prayer" (the word "Amida" means "standing") also called the "Shemoneh Esre" (meaning "eighteen") because of the eighteen Brochos* which originally comprised this prayer.  (Since Talmudic times, there are nineteen Brochos.)   The Amida is the central prayer of any of the Prayer Services and is recited by the individual quietly, only so loud that the worshipper himself can hear himself praying*
Ammorah (pl. Ammoro'im) - Torah teacher who explained or expounded the Mishna*.  The Epoch of the Ammoro'im followed immediately the Epoch of the Tanno'im*. 
Arvis, also known as Maariv - The evening prayer
Ashkenaz - During the course of history, the Jewish people were split into two principle branches with distinct features and traditions growing up: those living in the West, primarily in the Christian European countries, became known as Ashkenazim (literally “German”) while those living in Muslim countries, primarily in the East, as well as in Spain when Spain was under Arab rule, became known as Sefardim (literally “Spanish”)
Avayroh - Transgression, sin
Avodoh Zorroh - Idolatry
Avodas HaShem - Serving HaShem*


Baal Tefilloh - Prayer leader
Baal Shem Tov - Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov, the saintly founder of the Chassidic* movement


Chachommim - The sages, especially of the Gemorroh* and Midrash*
Challoh - The portion separated from the dough and baked into a small loaf and given to the Kohen*. Also, the special bread for Shabbos* and Yommim Tovim*


Kohen - Priest


Siddur - Prayer Book


tefillah - prayer


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